Prof. Christopher Lu, University of Hawaii (USA)
Professor Lu is a ruminant nutritionist, with a Ph.D. In Dairy Science and Biochemistry from University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA. He is a Professor Emeritus and former Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at University of Hawaii-Hilo. He also served as President of Argosy University - Seattle, Dean of School of Agriculture and Natural Resources at State University of New York - Morrisville, and Dean of College of Agriculture at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman. Professor Lu was the founding director of American Institute for Goat Research at Langston University, Oklahoma. He was President of International Goat Association during 2004-2008, after spending more than 20 years in IGA serving as a board director, Vice President twice and Associate Editor of Small Ruminant Research. Dr. Lu is experienced in research, teaching and higher education administration and accreditation with more than 300 scientific and other publications. He is the author of “Dairy, Science, Society and Environment” in Oxford University Research Encyclopedia.
Dr. Veerasamy Sejian, ICAR—National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (India)
Dr Veerasamy Sejian, M.V.Sc & PhD., is a Senior Scientist at ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP), Bangalore, India. His major thrust area of research is on Climate Change and Livestock Production and handled seven major projects in this field. Dr Sejian is the team leader which established the concept of “Multiple stresses impacting small ruminant production in the changing climate scenario”. His current research is focused on identifying molecular markers for different environmental stresses in small ruminants with the primary focus to develop agro-ecological zone specific thermo-tolerant breed. Dr Sejian has published 133 peer reviewed research/review articles in the field of stress and climate change physiology. Apart from this, he also published 85 book chapters, 217 invited/lead papers, 155 conference papers and 19 technical manuals. He has organized 10 short term training programs in the field of climate change and livestock production. His h-index is 25 and i10 index is 61. His total citation is 2019. His research gate score is 35.08 with overall publication reads of 97570. Further, Dr Sejian has published three International Springer books –“Environmental stress and amelioration in livestock production”; “Climate change impact on livestock: Adaptation and Mitigation” and “Sheep production Adapting to climate change”. Dr Sejian underwent three month International training on carbon trading/carbon sequestration/climate change in animal science at The Ohio state University, Columbus, USA. Further, Dr Sejian was bestowed with Endeavour Research Fellowship by the Australian Government to pursue post doctorate at The University of Queensland, Gatton Campus, Queensland, Australia. For his outstanding contribution in climate change and livestock production, Indian council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has bestowed him with the prestigious Lal Bahadur Shastri Outstanding Young Scientist Award. In addition, Dr Sejian is also serving as editorial board member in 27 international journals pertaining to climate change and livestock production.
Dr. Gabriel Leitner, Kimron Veterinary Institute (Israel)
Chief Scientist, Armenta Ltd. Non-Antibiotic Treatment for Mastitis
Gabriel Leitner was born in Israel in 1949. He received his Ph.D. degree in Immunogenetics from the Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1991. He completed his postdoctoral position, at the University of Minnesota, Department of Clinical and Population Science, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
In 1993, he joined the Department of Immunology, Kimron Veterinary Institute, Bet Dagan, Israel and in 2012 he was promoted to Senior Scientist, (equivalent to full professor). In 2016, he retired and established his own consulting firm. In 2017, he became the Chief Scientist of Armenta, an Israeli start-up which created an innovative unique, non-antibiotic treatment based on shock waves aimed at treating Mastitis on dairy farms.
Prof. Leitner is a member of the Israel Cattle Breeders Association; Israel Sheep and Goats Breeders Association; Scientific Committee of the Kimron Veterinary Institute in Israel; Research Steering Committee, Animal Health, Israel Dairy Board; Committee for Regulation of Cow’s Milk. Israel Dairy Board; Committee for Regulation of Small Ruminant’s Milk. Israel Dairy Board; Advisory Committee of the Central Laboratory of Mastitis Control, Israel Dairy Board.
From 2011 he has been a member of the “IDF Standing Committee on Animal Health (SCAH)”, The International Dairy Federation (IDF) and the “IDF Committee on Mastitis (AT-AH-01)”, The International Dairy Federation (IDF), in Brussels, Belgium.
Prof. Leitner wrote over 130 articles in reviewed journals, 11 book chapters, invited reviews and articles and over 160 lectures published in proceedings of symposia.
Dr. Christian Nawroth, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (Germany)
I am interested in how animals perceive and interact with their physical and social environment. My research focuses on the cognitive capacities of livestock (goats, horses, pigs, sheep) and zoo animals (great apes, penguins) and how this knowledge can ultimately be used to improve management conditions and human-animal interactions.
- Animal Cognition
- Human-Animal Interactions
- Animal Welfare Science
17-20 PDRA | Institute of Behavioural Physiology | Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology
17-18 PDRA | Centre for Proper Housing of Ruminants and Pigs | Agroscope Tänikon
15-17 Research Fellow | School of Biological and Chemical Sciences | Queen Mary University of London
10-14 Research Assistant | Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry | University of Halle-Wittenberg
2015 Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences | University of Halle-Wittenberg | Germany (summa cum laude)
2009 Diploma (M.Sc) in Biology | University of Würzburg | Germany (marked 1.3)
Nawroth, C., Langbein, J., Coulon, M., Gabor, V., Oesterwind, S., Benz-Schwarzburg, J., von Borell, E. (2019) Farm animal cognition: Linking behaviour, welfare and ethics. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6: 24. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00024
Nawroth, C., Albuquerque, N., Savalli, C., Single, M.-S., McElligott, A. G. (2018) Goats prefer positive human emotional facial expressions. Royal Society Open Science 5: 180491. doi: 10.1098/rsos.180491
Nawroth, C., Brett, J. M., McElligott, A. G. (2016) Goats display audience-dependent human-directed gazing behaviour in a problem-solving task. Biology Letters 12: 20160283. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0283
Nawroth, C., von Borell, E., Langbein, J. (2015) ‘Goats that stare at men’ – Dwarf goats alter their behaviour in response to human head orientation but do not spontaneously use head direction as a cue in a food-related context. Animal Cognition 18: 65–73. doi: 10.1007/s10071-014-0777-5
Twitter: @goatsthatstare
Prof. Daneil Sauvant, AgroParisTech (France)
Daniel Sauvant is Professor Emeritus of Animal Science at AgroParisTech (Health and Life Sciences Department).
- He obtained the diploma “Ingénieur Agronome” from Institut National Agronomique (Paris) followed by a MSc and PhD from the University of Paris- Sorbonne.
- His major scientific and technological contributions include (1) mechanistic modeling applied to animal nutrition; (2) meta-analysis of databases in animal nutrition; (3) feed evaluation and updates on feed unit systems for ruminants and recommendations (see INRA 2018 “Ruminant Feeding Systems”) and (4) requirements for feeding and diet formulation of goats.
-Dr. Sauvant served as Director of the INRA Research laboratory (UMR MoSAR [Modélisation appliquée aux ruminants]) from 1985 to 2009,
-Head of the Department of Animal Sciences at AgroParisTech from 1993 to 2006, and as
-President of the French Association of Zootechnie (AFZ) from 2000 to 2014.
-Full member of the French Academy of Agriculture since 1996 and a
-Corresponding member of the French Veterinarian Academy since 2016.
Dr S. Yan Landau, Agricultural Research Organization - the Volcani Center (Israel)
Small Ruminant Research
Born in Paris in 1953, emigration to Israel in 1971.
B.Sc. (Animal Science, 1974), M.Sc. (Animal Science; 1975-1978) and Ph.D. (Applied Biochemistry ; 1989-1993) at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Hebrew University (Rehovot, Israel).
Nutritionist with the Sheep and Goats division of the extension Service, Ministry of Agriculture (1978-1996). Post-doc at West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV); Researcher at the Department of Natural Resources of the Agricultural Research Organization (ARO, the Volcani Center) from 1996. Sabbatical leaves at Utah State University (Logan, UT) and at CIRAD (St Pierre, La Reunion).
Research interests: Nutrition of free-ranging domestic and wild herbivores, Near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) in agricultural and food sciences, plant secondary metabolites, self-medication in grazing animals, and integrated rain-fed semi-arid production systems.
Founder (2012) and leader of the joint-venture of ARO and the Gane HaNadiv (Edmond de Rothschild) Natural Park, “GoatWise” on goat grazing in Mediterranean woodland.
Recipient of grants from national (Ministries of Agriculture, Health, Environmental Quality, Commerce and Industry) and international (US: Bi-National Agricultural Research and Development, International Arid Lands Consortium, and Middle East Research Cooperation; France-Israel) sources of funding.
Tutored 18 M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, authored or co-authored 88 papers in refereed literature , 15 book chapters, more than 60 popular articles and 120 papers and abstracts in symposia proceedings.
Associate Editor for Nutrition for two terms with Small Ruminant Research. Nominated Editor-in-Chief of Small Ruminant Research (Elsevier) in 2016.
Dr. David R Yáñez-Ruiz, Spanish National Research Council | CSIC (Spain)
Dr. David Yanez-Ruiz is a vet by training and has a PhD in Animal Nutrition (2003, University of Cordoba, Spain) in which he studied the use of agro-industrial by-products in sheep and goats feeding. After completing his PhD he worked for 4 years as Research Fellow and Associate Lecturer in Animal Nutrition at the University of Wales (Aberystwyth, UK) to develop molecular techniques to study the rumen microbial ecosystem. In 2003 he got a position as Research Scientist at Estación Experimental del Zaidin (CSIC, Granada, Currently he leads a research team working in these main areas: i) study of the rumen microbial ecosystem to increase animal efficiency and resilience, ii) assessment of different plant based feed additives in ruminant nutrition, iii) development of tools to assess sustainability in ruminant livestock and iv) investigate nutritional means to decrease methane emissions from ruminants. Dr. Yanez-Ruiz participates in several international projects (i.e. H2020 iSAGE and MASTER, is Spanish representative in the Livestock Research Group of the Global Research Alliance for Agricultural Greenhouses ( and co-chair of the international research network on Feeding and Nutrition. He is Associate Editor of the following Journals: Animal Production Science (CSIRO), Animal Microbiome, Frontiers in Microbiology and Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research.
Dr. Jun Luo, Northwest A & F University (China)
Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, P.R. China
Dr. Jun Luo obtained his B.S. degree in Animal Husbandry, M.S. degree in Animal Production and Ph. D degree in Animal Genetics and Breeding in 1994 from Northwest Agricultural University of China, and he is currently the professor of College of Animal Science and Technology of Northwest A&F University and the director of dairy goat committee of China Dairy Association, the chairman of AADGN, and the regional director of International Goat Association.
In 1990, he stayed in Netherland for 6 month training and collaboration research in dairy goat production and milk processing technology. From 1997 to 1999 and 2000 to 2003, he worked in American Institute for Goat Research of Langston University of US for post-doctorial and collaboration research in goat breeding, nutrition and production.
His research interests focused on the dairy goat breeding and reproduction, utilization of goat breeds resources, and molecular genetics of goat milk fatty acids metabolism, he has published more than 200 papers and 10 books/chapters in dairy animal breeding and production. He is also actively involved in the dairy goat extension and industry development in China and research collaboration with international partners.
Jean-Paul Dubeuf, INRA, Laboratoire de Recherches sur le Développement de l’Elevage (France)
Jean-Paul DUBEUF is a researcher (“Ingénieur de Recherches”) at the French National Institute in Agricultural Research (INRA) in “Science for Action and Development”, in Corte (Corsica).
For more than twenty five years, he has been specialized in the development processes of Small Ruminant with a special focus on the Mediterranean Area. His recent works have included Social, Environmental issues and Societal changes in the sustainable Development of the SR production systems and pastoralism and considered Ecological Transitions issues. In this context, he is studying presently more specifically the implementation of public policies for these activities in several projects at International (with IFAD), National (in Morocco) and Regional (in Corsica) levels. He has published several applied research articles, review articles and position papers on these themes. He is also exploring at what extent, pastoralism could be an alternative to the present crisis of Animal Production to redesign innovative production systems answering these challenges.
Jean-Paul Dubeuf has also developed an expertise on the conception and development of an Information System on line for the animal production sectors (data basis, documentation, workflow, synthetic analysis) as the Scientific Director of the International Resource Center on Sheep and Goats Dairy sectors (CIRVAL) from 1995 to 20007.
He animated and coordinated several Mediterranean scientific sub networks (FAO/CIHEAM, International Dairy Federation) and cooperative international projects. He was President of the International Goat Association from 2008 to 2012.
During 10 years from 1984 to 1994, he was an Expert and Consultant to support decision making activities and extension in the dairy co – operatives sector in Central France for the Technical Bureau in Dairy Promotion (BTPL).